Daily Archives: March 6, 2008

Leaving her water

“Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” John 4:28

We’re doing this “21-day Challenge” at church…. read the 21 chapters of the book of John in 21 days, a chapter a day. This is the 4th day, so guess what chapter I was reading this morning? You got it, the 4th chapter.

Once in a while I’ll read something that just jumps out at me — today that happened. I was reading along, and there was verse 28. I’ve read it before, many times probably, and it never meant a thing to me. Today God showed me something new.

This woman, if you start at verse 1 in the chapter, had gone to this well. Digging deeper, she’d actually gone to this well at a time when no Jews would be there, as she was a Samaritan and they didn’t get along at all. Of course, here comes Jesus to the well, and asks her to get him a drink. She recognized him as a Jew, and was surprised he would take a drink from her if she got it for him. They talk a while, and she ultimately realizes he is something more special than the average guy.

Then, she leaves her water and returns to town.

It hit me. We know she needed water. She needed it badly. She risked running into a Jew, and although she picked the ‘safest’ time, she still left the town and walked to the well. Water wasn’t carried in plastic jugs or bottles back then — it was in stone or clay pots, and it had to be heavy. To carry full pots of water back to town was real effort — she must have really needed the water.

But she left it.  Jesus made such an impression on her that she left her water and went back to the town to tell people she’d met him and what had happened in their conversation.

I want to be like that.  I want to allow Jesus to make such an impression on me every single day that I ‘leave my water’ and go tell people about him.

I don’t do that.  Well, ok, sometimes I do.  But most of the time I internalize his impact on me, knowing that I will incorporate that into my heart and my living and that it will indeed impact others down the line.  And honestly, I’m sure that a lot of the time that really does happen.

But I want more.  I want to do more.  I want to leave my water and go from that spot and be His.  Not later, but now.

Faith happens.  Discipleship is intentional.

I want to disciple.